• Seabed Sounding – Mapping

    The seabed sounding is applied using the Ultra High Resolution multibeam Multi-detect Teledyne Reason T20 R that overcovers the International Hydrographic Organization – I.H.O. instructions

  • Mapping

    Detailed mapping of quay walls and other technical constructions.

  • Photogrammetry

    We create 3D models processing underwater photos.



The company, through a multi-year experience, undertakes all kinds of marine topographic surveys, hydrographic depictions, mappings etc.


Our services

We provide complete submarine services based on greek and european legislation.

Seabed Sounding – Mapping

The seabed sounding is applied using the Ultra High Resolution multibeam Multi-detect Teledyne Reason T20 R that  overcovers  the International Hydrographic Organization – I.H.O. instructions […]

Dredged Material Volume Measurements

The data collected using the MBES  system allow the high-resolution DTM extraction (using CUBE filters etc.) of the seabed. By the seabed mapping before and […]

3D Representations

There is the possibility to create 3D area representation in the InfraWorks 360 environment that allows spatial information to be compiled from different sources such […]

Uptodate equipment

We own equipment of new technology for accomplishing every task, like surveying boat, echosounder and underwater cameras.


Our work

We carry out hydrographic and marine projects/studies based on our multi-year experience, using uptodate technology.


Our clients

Let’s Work Together

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